APTIS for Teens: Speaking Tests And Model Answers

In this post, we will provide you with speaking practice tests, answers, and tips to prepare for "APTIS for Teens".

What is the APTIS for Teens?

The Aptis Speaking parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 tests your ability to communicate in English in real-life situations.

The test takes about 12 minutes and it is divided into four sections. Your responses will be recorded and marked by examiners.

If you would like to know more about APTIS for Teens, please read our article here.

For further details please visit the British Council website here.


APTIS For Teens: Speaking Practice Test #1

(4 parts – 12 minutes)

Part 1: In this part of the test, you are going to answer three personal questions about yourself and interests. You will have 30 seconds to answer each question. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.

1.1. Please tell me about your English teacher.

1.2. What is your favourite colour? Why?

1.3. Tell me about your favourite sport.

Part 2: In this part of the test, you are going to describe what is happening in a picture. Then, I will ask you two questions about it. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.

2.1. Describe the picture.
2.2. Tell me about a time you played a team sport.

2.3. What is better- playing a team sport or an individual sport?

Part 3: In this part of the test, you are going to look at two pictures and I will ask you two questions about it. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.

3.1. Tell me what you see in the photographs.

3.2. What problems might each teen have at work?

3.3. Which part-time job would you rather do? Why?


Part 4: In this part of the test, you are going to look at a poster that you designed and present it to your classmates. You will have 90 seconds to think about your answer and then you will speak for 2 minutes. Do not just repeat the words on the poster. You should use your own words to describe the information. Make your presentation interesting and informative. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.


APTIS For Teens: Speaking Practice Test #2

(4 parts – 12 minutes)


Part 1: In this part of the test, you are going to answer three personal questions about yourself and your interests. You will have 30 seconds to answer each question. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.


1.1. Please tell me about your hobbies.

1.2. What do you hope to do in the next 5 years? Why?

1.3. Tell me about your favourite holiday.


Part 2: In this part of the test, you are going to describe what is happening in a picture. Then, I will ask you two questions about it. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.


2.1. Describe this picture.
2.2. Tell me about a time you spent with an animal.
2.3. Would you prefer a dog or a cat as a pet? Why?


Part 3: In this part of the test, you are going to look at two pictures and I will ask you two questions about them. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.


2.1. Compare the pictures.
2.2. Tell me about a time you learned something from a parent.

2.3. What is better- learning from a teacher or from a parent?


Part 4: In this part of the test, you are going to look at a poster that you designed and present it to your classmates. You will have 90 seconds to think about your answer and then you will speak for 2 minutes. Do not just repeat the words on the poster. You should use your own words to describe the information. Make your presentation interesting and informative. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.



Hope you had an opportunity to practice in above practice questions. Below we will provide with Model answers to the above questions.



APTIS For Teens: Model Answer to Speaking Practice Test #1

Part 1: In this part of the test, you are going to answer three personal questions about yourself and interests. You will have 30 seconds to answer each question. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.

1.1. Please tell me about your English teacher.

My English teacher is a woman named Amy from the United Kingdom. Although she used to live in the south of England, she now lives here in Spain. She is not very tall, and a little plump. She’s got long blonde hair and blue eyes. I really like the way she explains grammar but sometimes she speaks too fast. At first, I couldn’t understand her accent very well, but I am getting used to it.

1.2. What is your favourite colour? Why?

When I was a child, my favourite colour was pink, but I think it’s just because it was a ‘girl’s colour’. Now, I’d say that my favourite colour is yellow. It makes me happy when I see yellow objects, because they put me in a good mood. For example, I love sunny days because of the yellow tint of the sky. I also love bananas, which are yellow, though it might be unrelated.

1.3. Tell me about your favourite sport.

Hmm, I don’t really like to play sports too much because I am a couch potato. However, I used to watch a lot of soccer on TV as a kid because my brother and dad are into it. They follow the Champions League and are crazy about Real Madrid. They have been long-time supporters since I could remember. I saw some matches when Ronaldo was on the team. He is a great player and scores many goals.

Part 2: In this part of the test, you are going to describe what is happening in a picture. Then, I will ask you two questions about it. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.

2.1. Describe the picture.

In this picture, I can see some teenagers playing field hockey. They look very focused, so maybe it is a very important game. Moreover, they are sweating, so this must be near the end of the match. I can see that there are two teams. Two girls are wearing a blue kit and one is wearing a white jersey. All of the girls have their hair in a ponytail, probably so that they can see the ball. The girl in the white is blonde and has control of the ball and the girls in blue are trying to get it away from her.

2.2. Tell me about a time you played a team sport.

I normally prefer playing individual sports, like tennis. However, I played basketball in physical education class last week. I think it is a very fun sport because it’s fast-paced. We have 5 players on each side and the objective is to get the orange ball into the opposite net. In order to do this, you have to run while bouncing the ball to the other side. You can pass the ball before you shoot, but you only have 24 seconds each turn. Each basket is worth 2 points, but if it is from a farther point, it is worth 3.

2.3. What is better- playing a team sport or an individual sport?

In my opinion, I think team sports are helpful to teach children how to work together. The objective is to win, so everyone needs to work together by communicating and cooperating with each other. In turn, this helps to develop social skills and interaction off of the field. However, not everyone sees it that way. Some people think the competition isn’t good for young kids. For example, if a team loses, it might affect a child’s self-esteem and make them feel upset. Moreover, team sports are usually physical, so kids can get injured more easily than playing an individual sport.


Part 3: In this part of the test, you are going to look at two pictures and I will ask you two questions about it. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.

3.1. Tell me what you see in the photographs.

In these photos, I see teens with a part-time job. In the first picture, there is a young girl who is wearing a blue shirt and a headband with a red apron. I think that is her uniform because it matches the watering can. She might work in a plant shop or just in another shop that has plants. In the second picture, we can see a boy who is mixing a drink. He is a teenager, so it is probably a mocktail with no alcohol. I think he works in an average restaurant or maybe in a fast food chain because he is wearing casual clothes.

3.2. What problems might each teen have at work?

Well, I think if the girl works in a store, she might have problems selling products. People might not want to buy products from her because she is young. They might not trust her opinion or experience. She can also have an issue with the products in her store. If the plants don’t get enough water, they will die. On the other hand, the boy might deal with annoying customers or rude people who don’t like the food. What’s more is that they might give him bad tips. Another problem is that he probably has to work late at night.


3.3. Which part-time job would you rather do? Why?

If I had to have a part-time job, I would rather work in a shop. In a shop, I can probably get a discount on products that I want to buy. I think it’s better to manage with school and I can do my homework when it is not busy. Moreover, I am not a night owl, so I wouldn’t like to work late at night like you have to in the food industry. Another reason that working in restaurants is not for me is because I am quite clumsy. I would probably drop food or spill drinks on a customer and get fired.

Part 4: In this part of the test, you are going to look at a poster that you designed and present it to your classmates. You will have 90 seconds to think about your answer and then you will speak for 2 minutes. Do not just repeat the words on the poster. You should use your own words to describe the information. Make your presentation interesting and informative. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.




Model Answer:

Today, I am going to tell you about how you can get better at English outside of the classroom.

Firstly, I’d like to talk about your speaking skills. I think the best way to improve your speaking is to make friends! Even if they are not native-speakers, you can still communicate with someone from a different country in English and learn about their cultures. Moreover, if you want to practice your pronunciation, try doing some karaoke or singing songs! You can copy the singers in order to make the correct sounds. Then, record your voice and listen to it. Did you pronounce the words correctly? It is a great way to check your progress!

Secondly, to practice your listening, what is a better way than watching movies or listening to podcasts on a topic that you are interested in? In this way, you learn about something while brushing up on your skill. The same goes for listening to English songs too. You can hear how words connect and flow.

Now, let’s talk about writing. I personally think that this one is the hardest. I have found that writing in a journal every day helps you to get better at it. You can also note down new vocabulary words that you learn. If you do not feel comfortable with your grammar in your writing, maybe try some exercises online to help you. 

Finally, there’s reading. I think it is obvious to say that you should read every day. Not only should you find texts that interest you, but you should also try to read everything you can. That’s not enough, though. You should ask yourself questions while you read to make sure you understand everything.


APTIS For Teens: Speaking Practice Test #2

(4 parts – 12 minutes)


Part 1: In this part of the test, you are going to answer three personal questions about yourself and your interests. You will have 30 seconds to answer each question. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.


1.1.        Please tell me about your hobbies.

In my free time, I like to go to the gym and work-out. I think fitness is very important, so I try to go 3-4 times a week. Unfortunately, during the school year, I hardly ever meet this goal. I also try to read every day for at least 15 minutes when I can. I think it is important to read books that aren’t school ones, so that you can expand your mind.


1.2. What do you hope to do in the next 5 years? Why?

In the next 5 years, I hope to be almost finished university. I am graduating high school next year, and I am already thinking about where I want to go for university. While it is my dream to study in New York or California, I think I might do my Bachelors in my home country. In 5 years, I will be planning my career, and maybe I will finally reach my goal of studying abroad for a Master’s Degree.


1.3. Tell me about your favourite holiday.


My favourite holiday is Christmas. Firstly, it is because it is the only day the whole family gets together. Nobody works, so we have a big meal and enjoy each other’s company. Moreover, all of my cousins, aunts and uncles come over to our house. Secondly, it is in winter, which is my favourite season. I love seeing the snow outside my window as we open presents. We always make a snowman after eating Christmas lunch.



Part 2: In this part of the test, you are going to describe what is happening in a picture. Then, I will ask you two questions about it. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.


2.1. Describe this picture.

In this picture, I can see two people in the centre. There is one woman, who is wearing a pretty blue sundress and she has sunglasses and sandals. The man, who might be her boyfriend or husband, is wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Judging by their clothes, and the man in the background who is wearing shorts, it must be summer. The couple is walking their dog on a leash in the park. The dog is quite fluffy, and he is white and light brown. It looks like it is smelling something, or maybe it has seen a squirrel.

2.2. Tell me about a time you spent with an animal.
When I was a child, I wasn’t allowed to have a pet of my own. My mom is allergic to fur, so we couldn’t have any dogs or cats. However, my cousins had a really cute dog and I would always spend time with it when I visited. His name was Darwin and he was a medium-sized black lab. They adopted him when he was a puppy and have had him for 7 years now. I used to love playing fetch and petting him. He really liked me and always ran towards me when I would go over.



2.3. Would you prefer a dog or a cat as a pet? Why?

I would definitely say I am more of a dog person. I just don’t really trust cats, you know. They keep to themselves and don’t pay you any attention. They walk around like they own the place and ignore you unless they want something. This is the opposite of dogs, which actually enjoy spending time with their humans. With a dog, you can also be more active because you have to walk them every day. Moreover, they are always happy to see you when you come home from work or school. As soon as you walk in the door, they jump on you and lick you.


Part 3: In this part of the test, you are going to look at two pictures and I will ask you two questions about them. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.


3.1. Compare the pictures.
In both pictures we see a mother and a daughter. In the picture on the left, you can see a younger girl and mom whereas on the right, the mother-daughter pair is older. The first picture shows a parent teaching her daughter yoga. The child is watching and following her mom’s actions, trying to copy them. However, the second picture depicts an older woman explaining something to her preteen, like homework maybe. The girl is looking at what her mom is pointing at in the book. In both pictures, the daughters are learning something from their mothers.


3.2. Tell me about a time you learned something from a parent.

In my opinion, learning a skill from your parents is more difficult than with a teacher because they are less patient. Last year, my dad taught me how to drive a car. I had just gotten my permit on my 16th birthday, and was so excited to get behind the wheel. We didn’t have the money so that I could go to driving school, so I had no other choice but to learn from my father. I remember he yelled at me because I missed a stop sign and I started to cry. It was a tough experience, but I got my license eventually.


3.3. What is better- learning from a teacher or from a parent?


In my opinion, you can learn equally well from a parent and a teacher but it depends on the subject. For example, a mother or father can teach you valuable and practical life skills, such as how to do laundry or cook a meal. They also teach you morals and how to be a good person, usually before you start school. A teacher, however, is an expert in his/her subject. They went to school for a particular field and know enough to convey that information to you effectively. I wouldn’t trust my parents to teach me math or science because they didn’t study those subjects.


Part 4: In this part of the test, you are going to look at a poster that you designed and present it to your classmates. You will have 90 seconds to think about your answer and then you will speak for 2 minutes. Do not just repeat the words on the poster. You should use your own words to describe the information. Make your presentation interesting and informative. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.



Model Answer:

My presentation is about the advantages of living in a city.


Firstly, cities provide more opportunities for work and studies. For example, parents have the choice of sending their kids to public or private schools whereas in towns or villages, there may only be one option. After this, students can pick from the many colleges or universities depending on their career goals. In a city, they can make connections with employers and get a good job when they graduate. 


At the same time, people can have fun with all of the entertainment a city has to offer. Since the population is so large, there are many opportunities to meet people and make friends. You can go to cinemas, restaurants, and more in your free time because there is always something to do! Younger people would really enjoy the city’s nightlife too!


Asides from the fun stuff, cities are convenient in many other ways. It is not necessary to own a car in an urban centre because you can take the bus or metro to get around easily. Moreover, if you have to buy a few items, there are tons of shopping centres that provide one-stop shopping for your needs. What is also really helpful is that you can see a doctor quickly in a city because there are more hospitals.


You might wonder about the environment. You might think that there are many traffic jams and a lot of pollution. However, nowadays, cities have more parks and green spaces than before. These help clean the air.


Thank you for your attention.




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About Me

Hey! My name is Celine and I’m a Native English speaker from Toronto, Canada. Helping students learn is my passion. I’ve been teaching English as a Second/Foreign language for 5+ years in Canada, Italy and the United Kingdom, to students from all around the world. In addition to this, I’ve worked as a freelance consultant and a curriculum developer for international education companies such as Kaplan Test Prep and Pearson English in the UK, and many others in China, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and more! I have designed these practice exams to better prepare you for your APTIS Test and your future goals. Hope they help!

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