APTIS For Teens: Reading Tests And Answers

In this post, we will provide you with reading practice tests and answers to prepare for "APTIS for Teens".

What is the APTIS for Teens?

The APTIS for Teens is an English language proficiency test designed by the British Council. It serves as a more specific variant of the APTIS General Test. In this way, it follows the same format as the original. There are 5 components to the exam: Grammar and Vocabulary, Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking, each with an allotted time limit. Within each section, there are a variety of question-types and tasks to complete.

While the complete test’s duration is approximately 2 hours and 40 minutes, educators can make the choice of offering a shorter modified exam to their students, which would only evaluate a student’s Grammar and Vocabulary plus one, two, or three of the skills.

If you would like to know more about APTIS for Teens, please read our article here.


For further details please visit the British Council website here.


APTIS for Teens: Reading Practice Test #1   

(35 minutes) 

Part 1: Choose the word (A,B,C) that fits in the gap. The answer to question 0 is an example.

Hey Adela,

I just (0) _____ your message. I can definitely help you with your homework

I am (1.1) _____ busy tonight, so come over at 5:30 pm.

What subjects are you studying (1.2) _____ ?

I’m not (1.3)  _____ at Math, but I am quite alright at English.

You can also (1.4) _____ dinner with us.

My mom is (1.5) ________ tacos.



A. got

B. took

C. found


A. too

B. so

C.  not


A. for

B. with

C. at


A. bad

B. good

C. smart


A. have

B. take

C. get


A. doing

B. making

C. taking


Part 2: The sentences below are from a story. Order the sentences (B-F) to make a story. The first sentence (A) is an example.

Gilberto’s Day


The alarm clock was buzzing loudly.


As he brushed his teeth, he looked at his phone.


It was already 9 am and he was late for school!


He was still quite tired and groggy.


Grumpily, Gilberto got out of bed.


It’s because he had been up late the night before.


0.    A.

2.1 ________

2.2 ________

2.3 ________

2.4 ________

2.5 ________

 The sentences below are from a set of instructions. Order the sentences (B-F) to make a story. The first sentence (B) is an example.

Field Trip Instructions


So, please make sure you go to the bathroom beforehand.


Please arrive at school at 7am sharp.


During the journey, we will not be stopping.


Once attendance is taken, the busses will be loaded.


However, please check your seat number before this to minimize confusion.


In fact, we will only wait 10 minutes for late arrivals.

0. B.

3.1 ________

3.2 ________

3.3 ________

3.4 ________

3.5 ________


Part 3: Read the four opinions about school policies posted on a student forum. Then, answer the questions. 

Person A: At my school, we are required to wear a school uniform and maintain a neat, tidy appearance. Not only does this include a white dress shirt with our school crest, but it must be worn tucked in with grey trousers. In the winter, we have the flexibility to wear a school-approved navy-blue cardigan. However, as a male, there is no summer weather alternative. It’s completely unfair. Girls get to wear a pleated skirt as an option. Why can’t boys wear shorts? I am working on a petition to introduce this notion so that hopefully by the second semester, this will change. I already have 200 signatures and I just need 300 more from students before I present it to the principal. 

Person B: As a freshman, I despised my high school’s uniform. I was always searching for unique ways to express my individuality with jewellery or funky socks. Of course this was often met with detentions as these accessories were not approved in the dress code. As I became a senior, I learned to sew in order to alter the uniform to be more flattering. Students loved the way that my uniform fit so I started charging them to modify theirs too. It was a sweet way to earn some extra cash. My principal wasn’t a fan of that either, but there was nothing he could do about it. We had all bought our uniforms from the authorized store and there was nothing in the school policy about making changes to it!

Person C:  I don’t mind the uniform at my high school. It lets me hit snooze a few more times than I normally would have if I had to choose my outfits every day. Those extra minutes of sleep mean that I am more alert in my morning classes. Moreover, I also think it’s the great equalizer. Let’s take my family as an example: There are 5 of us kids in my household, so keeping up with the latest trends is not an option. I remember in primary school, I was often bullied for wearing my sister’s hand-me-downs. By having everyone wear the same clothes as one another makes us all alike.

Person D: I’m on the fence about uniforms. I’m all for the fact that they promote a collective spirit. The entire student body gets to show off a sense of school pride and belonging. It makes us seem like we are a part of one big family. That being said, my particular school’s uniform is so uncomfortable. The material they used in production is so itchy and unbreathable. What’s more is that my mom constantly has to mend holes that appear at the seams of my trousers! You’d think for the arm and a leg that they charge they would hold up better!

Which person …

4.1. has an overall positive view on uniforms? ________

4.2 has mixed feelings about uniforms? ________

4.3 learned a new skill?  ________

4.4 started a movement? ________

4.5 found a loophole to the rules? ________

4.6 finds the uniform to be low quality? ________

4.7 believes uniforms are discriminatory? ________

Part 4: Read the text. Match the headings (A-H) to the paragraphs (19-25). The answer to question 0 is an example. There is one heading that you will not use.

(0) How many times have you heard that you need to eat your fruits and veggies? Or have had your parents swap out the biscuits in your lunch bag for an apple? From a young age, our parents have been trying to encourage us to eat healthy foods, whether that be drinking a glass of milk in the morning or having two litres of water a day. Although we often find a way to sneak in some crisps or ice-cream when no one is looking, maybe our parents have valid concerns about what we should be incorporating in our everyday diets.

(5.1) Let’s consider the nutrients that our bodies need. We have always been told that we need to make sure that we get enough calcium. This is key for building strong bones and teeth, especially in our teenage years when our body is still changing. I also try to have some freshly-squeezed orange juice to improve my Vitamin C intake to help my immune system so that I don’t get sick. Moreover, as a wearer of glasses, I have been advised that eating carrots is an essential source of Vitamin A, which is important to strengthen your eyes.

(5.2) What’s more in addition to the immediate benefits is the long-term ones. Studies have shown that time and time again, eating healthy is associated with prevention of heart disease and strokes. Combined with some form of physical activity, 4/5 cases of these ailments could have been prevented. This research has also shown that healthy lifestyles are connected to reduced cancer risks and better quality of life overall. Many also maintain their diabetes by monitoring what they eat. 

(5.3) Another valuable aspect of healthy eating is feeling happier overall. Avoiding unhealthy foods, like soda and sweets, is linked to higher energy levels and less symptoms of depression. These treats contain high-processed carbohydrates and greatly affect your blood sugar levels. Instead, opt for Vitamin B12 which can be found in a variety of whole foods and some meats as well. When you have more energy throughout the day, you will surely feel more productive. 

(5.4) Nevertheless, all of this is easier said than done. In the past, families prioritized eating together and cooking wholesome food almost every night. Perhaps this was because one parent stayed at home all day. However, today, most households have two working parents. After a long day, the last thing a tired mother or father wants to do is cook, so eating out is much more common. Nowadays, we are faced with temptations on every corner. The increase in both availability and choice of fast food options is much more prominent than in our parents’ days, leading us to unhealthy food choices.

(5.5) As we are all aware, this poor food selection has led to an increase in obesity. This is not new information and the problem continues to get worse and worse. It has gotten so bad that we are now being urged by society to lose weight by whatever means necessary. As a teenager, weight loss fads that are more destructive than beneficial are popping up on social media. Influencers fill their feeds with information about how they restricted their caloric intake to dangerously low values and have sponsored posts promoting detoxifying teas. With society’s message loud and clear amplified by what they see on their phones, teens may be coerced into the idea that these weight loss strategies are valid.

(5.6) In this sense, education is important to debunking unsubstantiated healthy lifestyles. In additional to regular physical education classes, teachers should focus on the benefits of healthy eating and the negative impacts of not doing so. Moreover, in a digital age, learning appropriate critical thinking techniques to be able to discern whether the health advice you read about online is true or not should also be included in the curriculum.

(5.7) Nonetheless, the responsibility of education extends beyond this. The government must also fund initiatives and programs to promote healthy lifestyles. For example, Britain has introduced a sugar tax on sugary drinks on order to reduce childhood and adult obesity. Despite being a recent program, the country has already seen as much as a 10% reduction in consumption of the product in only two years. By lowering the price of healthy foods and taxing junk food, people will be encouraged to make better choices that will save them money and their lives.


A.    What Schools Can Do

B.    National Role

C.    The Risks of Trendy Diets

D.   Parental Expectations

E.    Deterring Disease

F.    Modern Situations

G.    Key Vitamins and Minerals

H.   A Mood Boost

I.     Future Success


APTIS For Teens: Answers To Reading Practice Tests #1

Part 1














Part 2






















Part 3
















Part 4

















APTIS For Teens: Reading Practice Test #2 

Part 1: Choose the word (A,B,C) that fits in the gap. The answer to question 0 is an example.

Hey Ian,

I was just (0) _____ if you needed a ride to school tomorrow. 

I saw you waiting for the (1.1) _____ at the stop. 

Normally, I (1.2) _____ my bike, but now, it is winter. 

Since the weather is getting (1.3) _____ , my dad drives me.

We pass by your house, so we can (1.4)  _____ you up.

You are on the (1.5) ________ to school, so it’s no problem.



A. wondering

B. thinking

C. considering


A. bus

B. car

C.  taxi


A. drive

B. ride

C. have


A. wetter

B. colder

C. warmer


A. get

B. take

C. pick


A. trip

B. travel

C. way

Part 2: The sentences below are from a teen’s journal. Order the sentences (B-F) to make a story. The first sentence (A) is an example. 

Bad Hair Day


I’ve just had a terrible day at school


Unfortunately, it was a windy day.


As it was school photo day, I wanted to look my best.


So, I spent one hour styling my hair before school.


Furthermore, I couldn’t fix the mess because I forgot my brush.


By the time I arrived at school, my hair had been ruined.

0.    A.

2.1 ________

2.2 ________

2.3 ________

2.4 ________

2.5 ________

The sentences below are from a school policy. Order the sentences (B-F) to make a story. The first sentence (B) is an example.

Late Arrival Policy


If you arrive at school late, you must follow these instructions.


We have a very strict late arrival policy.


However, before you receive this paper, you must be ready for class.


There, you will get a signed and timed late slip from the secretary.


That means you will have to hang up your coat and gather your belongings in your locker beforehand.


Unless there is a mass weather-related delay, you are required to go to the office.

0. B.

3.1 ________

3.2 ________

3.3 ________

3.4 ________

3.5 ________

Part 3: Read the four opinions posted on a sports forum. Then, answer the questions.

Person A: I am really into sports, and am always up for trying new games. When I travelled to Canada with my family, I tried curling. I have never played it before because I live in a hot country. I thought it would be a piece of cake. How hard can a sport that uses a broom be? Well, I was wrong. In fact, you actually need a lot of upper body strength and balance to succeed. Needless to say, I’m writing this the day after with bruises from falling over!

Person B: I had just moved to the United States and wanted to make friends at my school, so I signed up for the football team. When I arrived at try-outs, we began with some agility drills and the coach seemed pretty impressed with how fast I could sprint. Then, we were asked to throw an oddly-shaped ball as far as we could, and I was confused. It was then I realized that the try-outs were for American football, not European football, or soccer as it is called here. No wonder I was the smallest person there!

Person C:  When I was younger, I never wanted to play team sports. My dad would always encourage me to join a team, but I was not interested. It’s not that I don’t like physical activity. I love individual activities like swimming and running. My sister, who is the captain of her school’s volleyball team, teases me and says I can’t handle competition. However, I think of myself as a very competitive person. I am always trying to achieve new personal records and beat my last timing.

Person D: Growing up, my brothers used to watch professional basketball matches on TV, but I never understood the appeal. Despite this, I fell in love with the energy in the crowd of a live sports match. My school has a really great basketball team, and I know a few people who are on it. I get really into the games and scream my loudest to cheer on my friends. It makes me feel so proud. Playing it is a different story though. You wouldn’t catch me on a basketball court even as a substitute!

Which person …

4.1. prefers to be a spectator? ________

4.2 underestimated a sport? ________

4.3 received a compliment? ________

4.4 was misunderstood by family? ________

4.5 set goals? ________

4.6 did not understand a task?  ________

4.7 used a household object? ________

Part 4: Read the text. Match the headings (A-I) to the paragraphs. The answer to question 0 is an example. There is one heading that you will not use.

Fake News

(0) Novel computer virus can spread to humans! Missing Teen: Abducted by Aliens? Climate change- not a big deal! Perhaps you have read shocking headlines similar to these on magazines while waiting in line at the supermarket. Alternatively, you may have seen them on a pop-up advertisement or on a link shared by a friend on a social media account. It is normal that you are lured into picking up that magazine or clicking on links to find out more. Not only are they meant to attract readers, but they are often misleading.

(5.1) How can we name this phenomenon? While the above headlines do not inherently tell the whole story, they often correspond to an equally deceptive article. Nowadays, the phrase ‘fake news’ is used frequently in media, but it often only refers to texts that contain factually false information. However, in actual fact, a more comprehensive definition goes beyond this. The umbrella term, ‘fake news’, also includes satire, with the purpose of making readers laugh. It is also comprised of biased reports, particularly when they are used to support or disprove of an important figure or to make money.

(5.2) Spreading falsities in this manner is an age-old problem. In regards to satire, parodies of true new stories were distributed on April Fools Day (April 1st) and often taken back the next day. On a more political note, as early as in 17th century England, fabricated reports of the king’s health or alleged crimes were circulated in an attempt to overthrow a monarch.  Furthermore, in an attempt to sell more newspapers, journalists would exaggerate stories, such as those related to the notorious English serial killer, Jack the Ripper.

(5.3) Despite not being as new as everyone thinks, fake news has been exacerbated due to the Internet and social media. While it may have roughly the same purpose, it is spread at a rate that was previously unimaginable. By sharing stories through a click of a button, a large amount of people can read them before they are fact-checked or deemed to be untrue. Scarcely is it only the content being fictionalized. In today’s day and age, it is often difficult to discern whether the source of the news is even credible.

(5.4) Let’s consider satire as an example. Though meant to be light-hearted and humorous, news satire has become its own genre. It was believed to be started by a reporter, Samuel Clemens, better known by his pen-name as the literary icon, Mark Twain. Clemens would often write fictional yet realistic articles and pass them off as real events in order to make people laugh. Today, popular sites such as The Onion have made a name for themselves by doing so. This website offers funny spoof stories that mimic real ones with the general understanding that they are not true.

(5.5) While identifying fake news isn’t always easy, there are some useful questions that you can ask yourself as you are reading any text. Firstly, you should look at the source. Is it credible? Why is the information being shared by this particular outlet? Secondly, identify the opinion of the article. Is the author a journalist, a politician, a story-teller? Does he/she have a message to promote? Finally, if you are still in doubt, ask an expert on the topic. This could be your teacher or a fact-checking website. 

(5.6) So how does this affect you? As students have to complete research projects from time to time, using a non-reputable source can cause them to fail an assignment or get in trouble with their teacher. With that in mind, teachers must guide their students on how to identify fake news. It is more important than ever before for young people to be able to think critically about what they read or hear. By learning these skills, students can become independent learners and make informed decisions in the future. In fact, many schools are incorporating media literacy into their curriculum.

(5.7) But what about in the real world?  As fake news is shared so frequently, their original source may get lost along the way and occasionally be broadcasted as true. Are there any penalties for sources spreading misinformation? Well, in some countries, there are. For instance, some countries in the European Union, like Germany, have introduced large fines to social media sites that do not remove fake news. However, others maintain that this goes against free speech and cannot impose any laws against it. Regardless, it is a government’s responsibility to educate its citizens.

A.    Defining Terms

B.    A Problem Made Worse

C.     Helpful Tips

D.   Sensationalist Headlines

E.    Consequences Going Forward

F.    Historical Background

G.    How Schools Can Adapt

H.   Just for Laughs

I.     Doing Homework

APTIS For Teens: Answers To Reading Practice Tests #2 

Part 1














Part 2






















Part 3
















Part 4

















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About Me

Hey! My name is Celine and I’m a Native English speaker from Toronto, Canada. Helping students learn is my passion. I’ve been teaching English as a Second/Foreign language for 5+ years in Canada, Italy and the United Kingdom, to students from all around the world. In addition to this, I’ve worked as a freelance consultant and a curriculum developer for international education companies such as Kaplan Test Prep and Pearson English in the UK, and many others in China, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and more! I have designed these practice exams to better prepare you for your APTIS Test and your future goals. Hope they help!

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