APTIS Writing Part 4: Sample Questions, Model Answers And Tips

In this article, we will provide you with sample questions, model answers, general tips, and strategies to prepare for APTIS writing part 4.

In this article, we will provide you with sample questions, model answers, general tips and strategies to prepare for APTIS writing part 4.

This article will:

  • Briefly explain the nature of the test
  • Look at example questions
  • Discuss the writing skills required
  • Discuss common problems
  • Give you tips and advice
  • Provide your with strategies to use preparing for your exam and on exam day 

What Is APTIS Part 4 Writing?

Part 4 of the APTIS Writing Test consist of two sections. In the first question, you have to write an informal email to a friend and in the second question, your task is to write a formal email to an unknown person. The first, informal email should be 40-50 words long and you have 10 minutes to complete it. The second formal email should be 120-150 words long and you have 20 minutes to complete this section.

The topic will be the same as the other three parts, in the examples we have been looking at the topic has been ‘travel, but you may have to write about more abstract things such as feelings.

For further details please visit the British Council website here

APTIS Writing Part 4: Sample Question #1 

Part 4: You are a member of a travel club. You received this email from the club.

Dear member,

I am writing to tell you that the famous travel writer Mr. David Price will unfortunately not be able to attend our next club meeting. Although Mr. Price will not be there to sign copies of his new book Around the World in Eighty Ways, members of the club will be able to buy a copy for the price of twenty-five pounds. If you would like to reserve a copy of the book, please contact the club secretary.

Write an email to your friend (about 50 words). Write about your feelings and what the club should do about the situation. You have 10 minutes.





Write an email to the president of the club (about 120-150 words). Write about your feelings and what the club should do about the situation. You have 20 minutes.





If you would like to access more simulated APTIS writing tests then please visit our exam library here

How To Answer The Question?

You can achieve a score of C1 or above in this section. The examiner assesses you on the following criteria: task fulfillment and register, grammatical range and accuracy, vocabulary range and accuracy, and cohesion.

Task Fulfilment

This not only means answering the question fully but also answering in a way that you will achieve the result you want. In both the questions, you must write about your feelings and what you think the club should do


'Register' is the way we change our language in different situations, depending on the relationships between the speaker and listener, or the author and the intended reader. This is an important part of language use. For example, your language choices will be different when you’re writing to a new business partner and when you’re writing to a friend. To be successful in part 4, you need to show that you can write in both casual and formal registers.

The first question of part 4 asks you to write in an intimate or casual register (one used among family members and close friends). The second question asks you to write in a formal register (one used between strangers or in a business setting). Fortunately, there are standard expressions that we use in letter writing (see APYIS General Tips and Strategies) and you can use them for your response


Using capitals correctly. Good use of commas. Full-stops at the end of sentences, correct use of question marks.

Grammatical range and accuracy

Your grammar should be correct and use tenses and structures relevant to the question. To achieve a high score, you will need to use higher-level tenses and conditional, the Passive, relative and participle clauses. Verbs and nouns should agree. Correct use of countable and uncountable nouns, articles, and determiners are also essential.

Vocabulary range and accuracy

Using the appropriate vocabulary. You should try to use formal words such as ‘attend a meeting’ rather than words like ‘go to a meeting’. With the right level of formality, you are more likely to get the result you want (task fulfillment). Remember that formality and politeness don’t just depend on who you are talking to but also on what you want. For instance, you are more likely to be polite or formal if you want to borrow your friend’s car, than if you want to borrow their pen.


The answers in these sections are longer. Therefore, your response to the question will be around three or four sentences for question one. Question two requires more complex sentences and you should aim for around six. For your answer to be cohesive you will only have to use linking words for contrast examples etc. Sequence words like Firstly, secondly, finally etc. Pronouns, and other referencing words like these/those/that/this.

Tackling the question

The key to writing a good answer is planning. You should not start writing straight away. This won’t save you time because you will have to keep stopping to think as you are writing. And your writing may seem disorganised if it is not planned.

You can use the same ideas in both pieces of writing, but you must not use the same words if you want a high mark.

When you read the situational part of the question there doesn’t seem much to write about. However, the writer (Mr Price) is not coming to give a talk but he still wants to sell the unsigned book for £25.00. It may be difficult to write 150 words if you agree with this situation and so your best option is to disagree.

Writing Plan

•         Explain the situation.

•         I (don’t) feel

Disappointed he’s not coming.

Surprised he still wants £25 for an unsigned book.

•         I (don’t) want to

Buy the book for £25

The book sold to the other members.

•         I suggest

There is a reduction in the price

Mr. Price comes another day

APTIS Writing Part 4: Example Answer To Sample Question #1

Part 4: You are a member of a travel club. You received this email from the club.

Dear member,

I am writing to tell you that the famous travel writer Mr. David Price will unfortunately not be able to attend our next club meeting. Although Mr. Price will not be there to sign copies of his new book Around the World in Eighty Ways, members of the club will be able to buy a copy for the price of twenty-five pounds. If you would like to reserve a copy of the book, please contact the club secretary.

Write an email to your friend (about 50 words). Write about your feelings and what the club should do about the situation. You have 10 minutes.

Hi Jack, how’s it going?

I’m disappointed about the situation with David Price’s book. I think it’s a cheek that he isn’t coming to the meeting and yet still wants to sell his book. I’m not going to pay £25 for a copy unless it’s signed. Maybe he can reduce the price or rearrange his visit. (52 words)

Write an email to the president of the club (about 120-150 words). Write about your feelings and what the club should do about the situation. You have 20 minutes.

Dear Club President,

I am writing to you in connection with the sale of My Price’s book for £25 even though he was unable to attend the meeting and the book is unsigned. Firstly, I am upset by this situation, I do not consider it to be very fair and because of this, I do not intend to buy a copy. Furthermore, I am sure that the other club members feel the same way, and, in my opinion, this is not beneficial to the club.

To resolve this situation I suggest that we either ask Mr. Price to sign copies of his book, which will allow us to sell it at £25 per copy or arrange for Mr. Price to give another talk at a later date. For me, this would be the best option as I am still extremely interested in hearing what he has to say about his travels as well as asking him a few questions.

Yours sincerely,


APTIS Writing Part 4: Sample Question #2

Part 4: You received this email from the president of the technology club.

Dear member,

We are writing to inform you that the trip to the science centre to see the robotics display has unfortunately been canceled. Although many of you were looking forward to this excursion, we did not reach the necessary number of participants to continue. However, we hope to reschedule this event for next month. Please let us know if you would like a refund or if you would like to hold your spot for the new date.

Write a short email to your friend (about 50 words). Tell your friend your feelings about this and what you plan to do. You have 10 minutes.





Write an email to the president of the club (about 120-150 words). Tell them your thoughts about this and what you would like to do. You have 20 minutes ion. You have 20 minutes.





APTIS Writing Part 4: Sample Question #3

Part 4: You received this email from the president of the technology club.

Dear member,

We are writing to let you know that the potluck picnic has been postponed. Unfortunately, the weather forecast is not in our favour and it is going to rain all week. It will now take place next Friday, which is June 16th. The event is still free to attend and advance food tickets are $5 for 2 meals or $7 for 2 on the day. There will be food from over 10 different countries, so come hungry. If you plan on bringing a dish, please contact the coordinator so we can finalize the menu.

Write a short email to your friend (about 50 words). Tell your friend your feelings about this and what you plan to do. You have 10 minutes.





Write an email to the coordinator of the club (about 120-150 words). Tell them your thoughts about this and what you would like to do. You have 20 minutes.





APTIS Writing Part 4: Sample Question #4

Part 4: You received this email from the president of the technology club.

Dear member,

I know that you were all very excited to meet famous nature photographer, John Lethbridge, at our meet and greet social event. Unfortunately, John has just emailed and is unable to attend. However, the social will still continue as planned with an exhibition of his work on display. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please email us if you have any questions or concerns.


Write a short email to your friend (about 50 words). Tell your friend your feelings about this and what you plan to do. You have 10 minutes.





Write an email to the coordinator of the club (about 120-150 words). Tell them your thoughts about this and what you would like to do. You have 20 minutes.





Hopefully, you had a chance to practice on the above sample questions. Now we will provide example answers for APTIS writing test part 3.

APTIS Writing Part 4: Model Answers To Sample Question #2

Part 4: You received this email from the president of the technology club.

Dear member,

We are writing to inform you that the trip to the science centre to see the robotics display has unfortunately been canceled. Although many of you were looking forward to this excursion, we did not reach the necessary number of participants to continue. However, we hope to reschedule this event for next month. Please let us know if you would like a refund or if you would like to hold your spot for the new date.

Write a short email to your friend (about 50 words). Tell your friend your feelings about this and what you plan to do. You have 10 minutes.

Hey John,

I am so bummed out that the science trip was canceled. I was really looking forward to checking out the new display on robots. Although I can get my money back, I might just tell them to hold my place so I can go when it gets rescheduled. You should come too!

Speak soon,


Write an email to the president of the club (about 120-150 words). Tell them your thoughts about this and what you would like to do. You have 20 minutes ion. You have 20 minutes.

Dear President,

I am upset to hear that the science trip has been canceled. I know a lot of my fellow club members are disappointed because we have been waiting for this for months. We have heard amazing things about the robotics display. However, I am happy to know that the trip is being postponed to a future date. I am really looking forward to it.

I appreciate that you are offering refunds but I would like to reserve my spot for the rescheduled trip. Moreover, I would like to help you advertise the trip to ensure that we have enough students to go on the next one. I can make posters or advertise it to the students in my class. I might post about it on my social media.

Let me know if there is anything else I can do.




APTIS Writing Part 4: Model Answer To Sample Question #3

Part 4: You received this email from the president of the technology club.

Dear member,

We are writing to let you know that the potluck picnic has been postponed. Unfortunately, the weather forecast is not in our favour and it is going to rain all week. It will now take place next Friday, which is June 16th. The event is still free to attend and advance food tickets are $5 for 2 meals or $7 for 2 on the day. There will be food from over 10 different countries, so come hungry. If you plan on bringing a dish, please contact the coordinator so we can finalize the menu.

Write a short email to your friend (about 50 words). Tell your friend your feelings about this and what you plan to do. You have 10 minutes.

i.e. informal style

Hey Jamie,

The potluck picnic has been canceled for this week because of bad weather. I am a little upset because I really wanted to try your mom’s paella, but I will have to wait until next week. I hope you are looking forward to tasting my homemade kimchi rice!

Speak soon,


Write an email to the coordinator of the club (about 120-150 words). Tell them your thoughts about this and what you would like to do. You have 20 minutes.

i.e. formal style


Dear Coordinator,

Thank you for the email.

While I am upset that I have to wait until next week, I appreciate that you postponed the event because of the bad weather. Nobody likes getting wet and even if it stopped, the ground would be muddy. I also think many people would cancel or just not show up last minute!

I am writing to you to let you know that I am bringing homemade fried rice with kimchi. It is a traditional Korean dish that is very popular. It is a little bit spicy, but I think everyone will enjoy it. I think I will have enough for 30 portions. Is that enough? Should I make more?

Also, I would like to buy 2 advanced food tickets. I can bring you the money to your office on Monday.



APTIS Writing Part 4: Model Answer To Sample Question #4

Part 4: You received this email from the president of the technology club.

Dear member,

I know that you were all very excited to meet famous nature photographer, John Lethbridge, at our meet and greet social event. Unfortunately, John has just emailed and is unable to attend. However, the social will still continue as planned with an exhibition of his work on display. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please email us if you have any questions or concerns.


Write a short email to your friend (about 50 words). Tell your friend your feelings about this and what you plan to do. You have 10 minutes.

i.e. informal style

Hey Gian Marco,

I am so upset. The photographer that I told you about has canceled. I am a big fan of his work and I wanted him to sign a photo for me. I will probably still go to the exhibit, but it won’t be the same.

Speak soon,


Write an email to the coordinator of the club (about 120-150 words). Tell them your thoughts about this and what you would like to do. You have 20 minutes.

i.e. formal style


Dear Angela,

Thank you for your email.

I am upset to hear the news about John Lethbridge, who can no longer attend the event. I had been looking forward to the social for months with the hope that I could meet my favourite photographer. I have followed him and his work for years. In fact, he is the reason I started taking photos! I know I will still enjoy the exhibit, but it won’t be as great.

I have spoken to others and I know that many fellow club members are also quite disappointed in this. We purchased tickets with the promise of meeting our idol. Do you think the club can try to reschedule his appearance?  It would be great if he could come to our next social or if we could arrange another time.

Please let me know if this is possible.


Top 10 Tips For The APTIS Writing Test

Tip 1: Use the right register.

This is the level of formality, friendliness, politeness you use when you write. Knowing and being able to use the correct register when you write (and speak) shows that you can use English well. Using the correct register is more likely to get you the solution you want and so, it is also important for task achievement.

Tip 2: Know the correct spelling.

English spelling is difficult but when you learn the standard phrases, you can also learn the spelling. This will make spelling easier. We will look at other difficult words that occur often later. UK English and USA English sometimes have different spellings. It is not important which one you use but you should be consistent in every question.

Tip 3: Improve your typing speed.

Unless you opt paper-based version, APTIS writing test is computer-based. So the faster you type the better. Just make sure your typing speed isn’t too slow.

Tip 4: Know the word count.

You lose marks if you write too little and waste time if you write too much (it isn’t counted). Therefore, you should know how many words should write and how long you have for each question. Then you can practice them at home. Remember that formal sentences are generally longer than informal sentences.

Tip 5: Read model answers.

Doing this will give you a good idea of what to expect. Think about the things the examiners are looking for and look at how accurate the grammar is. Ask yourself ‘is it cohesive and clear?’ ‘Is the vocabulary wide-ranging or repetitious?’ and ‘is it well planned?’.

Tip 6: Get used to the timings

Make sure that you know how long you have for each part and don’t go over that time. Practice ant home with a timer will stop you from getting any horrible surprises. If you know an APTIS examiner or trainer speak to them and ask them what you need to do to improve.

Tip 7: Check your work

It is easy to lose points for making silly mistakes. Check what you have written. Look at spelling and punctuation. For grammar check- prepositions/dependant prepositions/verb-noun agreement/countable and uncountable/tenses. Remember you can "flag in" option. You can always come back to a question where you had a doubt.

Tip 8: Finish in time

You don’t get any marks for blank spaces, so always write something. Even if you think it’s bad, and you might be surprised, it is better than nothing.

Tip 9: Stay on topic

This is again about answering the question and affects task achievement. If you are asked for an opinion you should give one. If you have to say, for example, why you are applying to join a club. Then you should write about clubs in general.

Tip 10: Practice makes perfect!

Doing practice tests will help you build your concentration levels and your instinct. More than that, practice will improve your English and help you with the timings you need to complete the test with the best result. If you would like to increase your APTIS score by practicing more APTIS tests then please check the exam library in our website here. There you will find largest simulated APTIS test database. Totally free with no registration (we won't even ask for your email).

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Hey! My name is Celine and I’m a Native English speaker from Toronto, Canada. Helping students learn is my passion. I’ve been teaching English as a Second/Foreign language for 5+ years in Canada, Italy and the United Kingdom, to students from all around the world. In addition to this, I’ve worked as a freelance consultant and a curriculum developer for international education companies such as Kaplan Test Prep and Pearson English in the UK, and many others in China, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and more! I have designed these practice exams to better prepare you for your APTIS Test and your future goals. Hope they help!

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