APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Questions, Example Answers And Tips

In this article we will provide you with sample questions, model answers, general tips and strategies to prepare for APTIS writing part 2.

 This article will:

  • Briefly explain the nature of the test
  • Look at example questions
  • Discuss the writing skills required
  • Discuss common problems
  • Give you tips and advice
  • Provide your with strategies to use preparing for your exam and on exam day

What Is APTIS Part 2 Writing?

Part 2 of the APTIS writing is Short Text Writing. In this part, you have to write one or two short texts of about 20-30 words on a similar topic to part 1. If, for example, this had been about joining a travel club the topic would stay the same topic.

For the further details please visit British Council website here 


APTIS Writing Part 2: Same Question #1

Part 2:  You are a new member of the travel club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

Please tell us why you are interested in travel.



If you would like to access to more simulated APTIS writing tests then please visit our exam library here

How to answer the question?

The mark you receive will depend on you answering the question-completely and relevantly. You will be assessed for:  grammatical range and accuracy, punctuation, vocabulary range and accuracy, and cohesion.

What does this mean?


This means you have to choose words that are appropriate for the level of formality. You should ask yourself: Who am I writing to and what do I want to achieve? In the question above you are writing to club members or committee. You need to be friendly, not too informal. You want them to like you and you want them to think you are an intelligent person.

Paraphrasing will help you answer the question but not if you use the same words and sentence structure because you will lose marks. Learn how to use the question to build your answer.

For example: Please tell us why you are interested in travelling.

Paraphrase: Travelling has always been a great love of mine because…


                  I am interested in travelling because…


Your grammar should be correct and appropriate to the question. In the question above you are not expected to talk about the places you visited. Furthermore, you don’t have sufficient words to write about your experiences travelling. This question marks you no higher than an A2 level and is looking for: ‘simple grammatical structures to produce writing at the sentence level.’


The answer in this section should be 20 to 30 words. Therefore, your response to the question will be around two or three sentences long. For your answer to be cohesive you will only have to use one or two linking words and maybe a pronoun to refer back to the things in your answer.

The sample question: Please tell us why you are interested in travel.

This question only requires the present simple because it is about something that is generally true. The keyword is ‘interested in’ and so if you use this expression you will need to remember that we use: interested in + noun/verb + ing. The question word is ‘why’, therefore you will have to give reasons and will need words that express reason. Also, there is no right or wrong answer. The question invites you to express your opinion about the topic of travel.

APTIS Writing Part 2: Example Answer To Sample Question #1

I believe that travel opens our minds to the world around us. Not only does it do this, but it allows us to see the place where we live differently. (30 words)

Cohesion devices

I believe…   Gives a reason and opinion.

Not only does it do this but it… Emphasises new information.

It… Refers back to ‘travel’.

APTIS Writing Part 2: Same Question #2

Part 2:  You are a new member of the tennis club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

What do you especially enjoy about tennis?



How to answer the question?

This question again only requires the present simple because it is about something true for you. The keywords are ‘especially enjoy’ and so if you use this expression you will need to remember that we use: enjoy/like/love + noun/verb + ing. The question word is ‘What’, therefore you will have to give examples.

Vocabulary- ‘especially’ is a keyword and you should think of similar words or expressions to echo it in your answer.

APTIS Writing Part 2: Example Answer To Sample Question #2

I particularly like the fact that tennis is both competitive and sociable. For instance, I can be playing an extremely hard game and five minutes later, having a friendly drink in the clubhouse. (33 words)

Cohesion devices

I particularly like… Paraphrases the question.

For instance… Gives an example.

…having… This participle clause shows a higher level of English. You can omit ‘I can be having…’ and just use ‘having…’ instead.

APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #3

Part 2:  You are a new member of the social club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

Why do you think debating clubs are useful?



How to answer the question?

This question again only requires the present simple because it is about something true for you. The question is asking you to give an opinion. The keyword here is ‘useful’, so you will need to give a positive response. The question word is ‘Why’, therefore you will have to give reasons.

APTIS Writing Part 2: Example Answer To Sample Question #3

I think the informed discussion in a club not only helps us to formulate our opinions and allows us to express them but also assists us in understanding other people’s viewpoints. (30 words)

Cohesion devices

I think. Expresses opinion.

Not only… but also… Contrasts additional information.

Helps/allows/assists All have a similar meaning, but the use of different vocabulary prevents repetition.

APTIS Writing Part 2: Same Question #4

Part 2:  You are a new member of the walking club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

What makes a group walk special for you?



How to answer the question?

This question again only requires the present simple because it is about something true for you. The question is asking you to give a preference. The keywords here are ‘group and special for you’, so you will need to give a personal response but include why you like walking in a group. The question word is ‘What’, therefore you will have to give reasons or examples.

APTIS Writing Part 2: Example Answer To Sample Question #4

Without a doubt, what I love about walking is being with nature and spotting wildlife. Additionally, I revel in the feeling of being able to share the experience with other people.  (30 words)

Cohesion devices

Without doubt… The question says ‘special’. This is a strong start that shows it is special.

Additionally. Gives extra information.

Share the experience… Answers the ‘group walking’ part of the question.

Love…& revel in… Are strong positive word with a similar meaning in but the use of different vocabulary prevents repetition.


APTIS Writing Part 2: Same Question #5

Part 2:  You are joining the yoga club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

Who introduced you to the benefits of yoga?



How to Answer the question?

This time the question needs the past simple because it is about a past event. Often the question will indicate the grammar you need to use. Here the verb is in the past.

The question word ‘Who…’ is asking you to give a person. The important keyword here is ‘benefits’, so you should mention at least two positive things about the reasons for doing and the results of yoga.

APTIS Writing Part 2: Example Answer To Sample Question #5

I used to do judo and my teacher told me that he practised yoga as it helped him relax and concentrate. It also made him much more supple and stronger.  (31 words)

Cohesion devices

As. Gives a reason.

It… Refers to back to ‘judo’ with repeating the noun.

Also… Introduces additional information.

Relax/concentrate/supple/stronger. Are the benefits the teacher received from yoga and answer that part of the question.

APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #6

Part 2:  You are joining the dinosaur club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

Why do you want to join the dinosaur club?



APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #7

Part 2:  You are joining the environment club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

What made you chose our environment club??



APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #8

Part 2:  You are joining the bird watching society. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

What qualities have you got to offer our bird watching society?



APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #9

Part 2:  You are joining the bird social club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

How often do you plan to attend?



APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #10

Part 2:  You are joining the Italian cookery group. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

What do you think makes our Italian cookery group special?



APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #11

Part 2:  You are joining the golf club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

What do you think makes a good golf club?



APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #12

Part 2:  You are joining the debating society. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

Have you ever had a bad experience with a debating society?



APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #13

Part 2:  You are joining the singing club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

What do you think is the most interesting thing about our singing club?



APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #14

Part 2:  You are joining the singing club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

How long do you think you will remain a member?



APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #15

Part 2:  You are joining the surfing club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

Where do you take your winter breaks??



APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #16

Part 2:  You are joining the holiday club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

Where was your most memorable holiday?



Hopefully, you had a chance to practice on above sample questions. Now we will provide example answers for APTIS writing test part 2.

APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #6

Part 2:  You are joining the dinosaur club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

Why do you want to join the dinosaur club?

I’d like to become a member because ever since I was young, I have been interested in what you do, and I now hope to pursue this fascination further.


APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #7

Part 2:  You are joining the environment club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

What made you chose our environment club??

I heard that you have an excellent reputation and are doing things that I believe are extremely useful to the world we live in.


APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #8

Part 2:  You are joining the bird watching society. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

What qualities have you got to offer our bird watching society?

I consider myself to be a keen and enthusiastic member who enjoys getting involved with club business. I am also quite knowledgeable about birds.


APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #9

Part 2:  You are joining the bird social club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

How often do you plan to attend?

I’d like to attend as often as I can. This realistically means at least once a week and maybe more whenever there is a special event, for example.

APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #10

Part 2:  You are joining the Italian cookery group. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

What do you think makes our Italian cookery group special?

I think you are unique in the amount of passion that all your members seem to have for Italian food. Furthermore, I am impressed by the way you put a modern twist on classic recipes.


APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #11

Part 2:  You are joining the golf club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

What do you think makes a good golf club?

For a club to stand out from the crowd, it’s my opinion that everyone should work together to benefit the club but still try to remember the needs of the individual.


APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #12

Part 2:  You are joining the debating society. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

Have you ever had a bad experience with a debating society?

Not a particularly bad experience, but I have been a member of some that were rather disorganised, and no one knew when the meetings were until the last minute.


APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #13

Part 2:  You are joining the singing club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

What do you think is the most interesting thing about our singing club?

It is a club that attracts members of all ages and from a wide range of people who all have a common interest in music.


APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #14

Part 2:  You are joining the singing club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

How long do you think you will remain a member?

It is difficult to say but I don’t see joining as a short-term plan. I like becoming involved with what I do and as a result, I become committed to what I’m doing.


APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #15

Part 2:  You are joining the surfing club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

Where do you take your winter breaks??

I am not interested in skiing and cold places and so I tend to seek out destinations that are warm and sunny. For me that involves going south to places like the Caribbean.


APTIS Writing Part 2: Sample Question #16

Part 2:  You are joining the holiday club. Fill out the form.  Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

Where was your most memorable holiday?

The most unforgettable vacation I ever had was when my parents took me to Spain for the first time. European holidays weren’t common then and everything seemed very exotic.

Top 10 Tips For The APTIS Writing Test

Tip 1: Use the right register.

This is the level of formality, friendliness, politeness you use when you write. Knowing and being able to use the correct register when you write (and speak) shows that you can use English well. Using the correct register is more likely to get you the solution you want and so, it is also important for task achievement.

Tip 2: Know the correct spelling.

English spelling is difficult but when you learn the standard phrases, you can also learn the spelling. This will make spelling easier. We will look at other difficult words which occur often later. UK English and USA English sometimes have different spellings. It is not important which one you use but you should be consistent in every question.

Tip 3: Improve your typing speed.

Unless you opt for paper based version, APTIS writing test is computer based. So the faster you type the better. Just make sure your typing speed isn’t too slow.

Tip 4: Know the word count.

You lose marks if you write too little and waste time if you write too much (it isn’t counted). Therefore, you should know how many words should write and how long you have for each question. Then you can practice them at home. Remember that formal sentences are generally longer than informal sentences.

Tip 5: Read model answers.

Doing this will give you a good idea of what to expect. Think about the things the examiners are looking for and look at how accurate the grammar is. Ask yourself ‘is it cohesive and clear?’ ‘Is the vocabulary wide-ranging or repetitious?’ and ‘is it well planned?’.

Tip 6: Get used to the timings

Make sure that you know how long you have for each part and don’t go over that time. Practice ant home with a timer will stop you getting any horrible surprises. If you know an APTIS examiner or trainer speak to them and ask them what you need to do to improve.

Tip 7: Check your work

It is easy to lose points for making silly mistakes. Check what you have written. Look at spelling and punctuation. For grammar check- prepositions/dependant prepositions/verb noun agreement/countable and uncountable/tenses. Remember you had flag in option. You can always comeback to a question where you had a doubt.

Tip 8: Finish in time

You don’t get any marks for blank spaces, so always write something. Even if you think it’s bad, and you might be surprised, it is better than nothing.

Tip 9: Stay on topic

This is again about answering the question and affects task achievement. If you are asked for an opinion you should give one. If you have to say, for example, why you are applying to join a club. Then you should write about clubs in general.

Tip 10: Practice makes perfect!

Doing practice tests will help you build your concentration levels and your instinct. More than that, practice will improve your English and help you with the timings you need to complete the test with the best result. If you would like to increase your APTIS score by practicing more APTIS tests then please check the exam library in our website here. There you will find largest simulated APTIS test database. Totally free with no registration (we won't even ask for your email).

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About Me

Hey! My name is Celine and I’m a Native English speaker from Toronto, Canada. Helping students learn is my passion. I’ve been teaching English as a Second/Foreign language for 5+ years in Canada, Italy and the United Kingdom, to students from all around the world. In addition to this, I’ve worked as a freelance consultant and a curriculum developer for international education companies such as Kaplan Test Prep and Pearson English in the UK, and many others in China, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and more! I have designed these practice exams to better prepare you for your APTIS Test and your future goals. Hope they help!

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