You are joining a volunteer organization. Fill out the form. Write short answers (1-5 words) for each message. You have 3 minutes.

Example How are you?
What is your name?
When is your birthday?
Where are you from?
What are your hobbies?
What are your plans for the weekend?

You are a new member of the volunteer organization. Fill out the form.

Answer the question in 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

Please tell us if you have volunteered before. What did you do?
0 words

You are speaking to fellow members of the volunteer organization in a group chat.

Respond to them in full sentences (30-40 words per answer). You have 10 minutes in total.

Emily: Hey! Welcome to the group. I like to help out at a homeless shelter. Where do you like to volunteer?

0 words

Luc: I donate money to different charities. What charity organizations can you donate to in your area?

0 words

Sylvie: I heard that the club is organizing weekly outings to volunteer. What is your opinion on this?

0 words

You received this email from the leader of the volunteer organization.

Dear member,

In order to meet the new group requirements, you must complete a compulsory 20 hours of volunteer work in one academic year (September-June). You can spend your time tutoring children or talking to seniors in a retirement home. However, we encourage you to try different things.
If you are looking for new opportunities, please let us know. We have limited positions at a soup kitchen serving the hungry and may be able to arrange a position for you.

Mr. Arsenault

Write a short email to your friend (about 50 words). Tell your friend your feelings about this and what you plan to do.

You have 10 minutes.

0 words

Write an email to the leader of the volunteer organization (about 120-150 words). Tell them your thoughts about this and what you would like to do.

You have 20 minutes.

0 words