Before we get started, let's test your microphone.

It's important to make sure we can hear you clearly so we can mark your response.

Part 1: In this part of the test, you are going to compare two pictures and then I will ask you two questions about it.
You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear the this sound.

Tell me what you see in the photographs

Which type of eating outdoors requires more planning? Why?

Is it good to eat outside? Why/why not?

You have now completed this part.


Part 2: In this part of the test, you will answer abstract questions about a particular topic. You will have 60 seconds to prepare before you start speaking. Then, you will speak for 2 minutes to answer all three questions.

How important is fashion to people in your country?
To what extent does the clothes people wear express their identity?
What are some environmental impacts of the fashion industry?

How important is fashion to people in your country?
To what extent does the clothes people wear express their identity?
What are some environmental impacts of the fashion industry?

How important is fashion to people in your country?
To what extent does the clothes people wear express their identity?
What are some environmental impacts of the fashion industry?

You have now completed this 2nd part.


Part 3: In this part of the test, you are going to give a presentation. You can see the topic and some points for and against both sides. You will choose two points from each list and give a balanced argument.
You will have 60 seconds to prepare before you start speaking and then you will have one and a half minutes to speak. After you finish speaking, you will be asked an additional question about the topic.

Topic: Tourism has negative impacts on a country's local culture and customs


Topic: Tourism has negative impacts on a country's local culture and customs

You now have one minute to think about your answers.
You can take notes if you wish.

Topic: Tourism has negative impacts on a country's local culture and customs

You now have one and half minutes to talk.

You have now completed this part.


Part 4: In this part of the test you will be asked additional question on the topic you discussed in part 3. You have 45 seconds to speak.

Part 4: In this part of the test you will be asked additional question on the topic you discussed in part 3. You have 45 seconds to speak.

Governments should promote domestic tourism for their citizens rather than international travel.

What is your response to this statement?

Thank you, this is the end of the test. you can download your recordings to review the answers


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Part One